The major aim of this study was to investigate the information seeking behaviour of final year
undergraduate students at National Institute of Public Administration NIPA. In order to do this,
the report came up with the following objectives; to find out the information needs of Nipa
final year students, to investigate which information sources are utilized by final year Nipa
students and to investigate the information seeking strategies of Nipa final year Students. The
study used random design to sample the final year students at National Institute of Public
administration NIPA. The study collected quantitative data which was analysed using a
computer software SPSS. The major findings of the study indicated that the majority of the
students at the institution acquire information for their academic development and the minority
students acquire information for their leisure time. The majority students acquire this
information from web-site sources and the minority acquire information from online blogs.
According to the findings of this research, the institution plays a pivotal role in providing the
needful information which is relevant for the student’s academic development. The institution
provide information resources to the students in the library and through printed notes. In
promoting information seeking and academic development the students have suggested that
there is need for the institution to increase the number of computer and improve internet
services so that they can easily access online information.