This study aimed to assess student’s adherence to ministry of health covid-19 protective
measure among the final year students amid the ongoing covid-19 pandemic at The
University of Zambia. The Zambian public health challenges arising from effects of not
adhering to the COVID-19 by any section of society are yet to be established. However,
background information indicates that the world faces the most significant health challenge in
history. Thus, the objectives of this study were: i. To assess students practicing of ministry
of health covid-19 protective measure. ii. To find out factors influencing students’
adherence to Covid-19 measures iii. To find out challenges faced by students in adhering to
ministry of health covid-19 protective measure. iv. To establish possible solution to the
challenges faced by students in adhering to the measures. The study design was a
qualitative survey. The methodology used was transcendental phenomenology as developed
by Edmund Husserl in 1913. Based on a sample of 50 participants, primary data was
collected through structured interviews with, health caregivers, lgbti community members,
lawyers, judges and lgbti civil society. Secondary data were collected from newspapers, court
documents of decided cases, documents, books and the internet. The data obtained was
analyzed thematically by coding and grouping it according to common themes.
The findings revealed that MoH has provided several guidelines on the preventive measures
for COVID-19 of which the respondents were fully aware, of although they had challenges in
adhering to them. Among the challenges were institutional, socialization process as well
personal accountability. The findings further revealed that despite the government providing
sufficient messaging using state media, there was need to use local media as well as local
authorities in designing campaign messages. This hence recommended among other things
local involvement in all the processes that desires to achieve behavioural change.